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2012 Disaster Management and Resiliency Journalism Fellowships Launched
The 2012 Disaster Management and Resiliency Journalism Fellowships for journalists from Japan, the United States, China, Asia, Fiji, Indonesia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Tonga and Vanuatu has been launched by the East-West Center and the Center for Gloal Partnership.
The fellowship programme, which targets mid-career journalists with a minimum of seven years professional experience in print, broadcast and online journalism including reporters, writers, editors, producers, columnists, bloggers and editorial writers, will take place May 13 - 27. It will include study tours to San Francisco, California; Honolulu, Hawaii; Tokyo, Japan; and Sendai, Japan.
The fellowship covers all air transportation, lodging and program-related ground transportation and meals for selected journalists.
Participants will be introduced to a broad range of disaster management activities in the U.S. and Japan, as well as post-disaster challenges to political, economic and energy resiliency. The tour to Japan will include an assessment of how the government of Japan and the country's disaster-response agencies handled the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the resulting tsunami and nuclear crisis. Participants will be exposed to the personal side of natural disasters through discussions with students, aid workers and community members, while also examining nuclear power and energy policy in Japan.
Deadline: March 12, 2012.
- Your Pal
More on the web
CNN/Multichoice 2012 Awards Launched
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