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Washington legalizes same-sex marriage

02/02/2012 09:52

A bill to legalize same-sex marriage has been passed by the Washington State Senate.

The bill sponsored by Sen. Ed. Murray, a Democrat, brings the state just a step closer to becoming the 7th state in the United States to allow gay and lesbian couples to legalize their marriage.


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The debate involved several amendments, which included legal protection for religious groups and organizations.

According to Murray, those who supported the legislation, "should not be accused of undermining family life or religious freedom."

Not surprisingly, Murray, himself a gay, representing Seattle in the Senate, has equally spearheaded past gay rights and domestic partnership laws in Washington.

“It’s ironic how a bill which purports to be about ending discrimination leaves the door open so far for discrimination going in the other direction,” he said. “I’m extremely concerned that without additional protections, this legislation will create a hostile environment for those of us who believe in traditional marriage.”

Sen. Dan Swecker, a Republican representing Rochester, argued that the proposed law alters the definition of marriage and “will lead to the silencing of those who believe in traditional marriage.”


- Your Pal





Covering a gay press conference

Washington Senate passes bill legalizing same-sex marriage; final vote will come in the House

WA Senate approves bill to legalize gay marriage

Senate passes Gay marriage bill in Washington State

Washington Senate passes bill to legalize gay marriage



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