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UN Department of Public Information launches 2016 Reham Al-Farra (RAF) Memorial Journalists Fellowship Programme
The United Nations Department of Public Information is currently seeking applications from Nigerian young journalists and broadcasters for the 2016 Reham Al-Farra (RAF) Memorial Journalists Fellowship Programme.
The Programme provides journalists with an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in the work of the United Nations. It is also an opportunity to meet journalists from other countries and exchange ideas with UN communication professionals.
Selected journalists and broadcasters will spend four weeks at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, from 8 September through 5 October, 2016 Upon completion of the Programme, participants are expected to continue working in
journalism or broadcasting and help promote better understanding of the United Nations in their home country.
Applicants must be aged between 22 and 35 and currently employed by a recognized media organisation, with several years of professional experience and oral and written fluency in English.
The United Nations will cover the cost of a round trip ticket and a daily subsistence allowance. Find additional information below. For further information, please visit https://outreach.un.org/raf 2016 Reham Al-Farra (RAF) Memorial Journalists Fellowship Programme.
Candidates must be nationals of one of the countries mentioned and must meet all the following requirements:
• Age between 22 and 35.
• Currently employed by a recognized media organization. Freelancers, translators and UN employees or immediate family members of UN employees are not eligible.
• Oral and written fluency in English. Applicants from Non-English speaking countries will be interviewed on the phone.
• Several years of professional journalism experience and proven interest in the work of the United Nations.
Participants are expected to:
• Familiarize themselves with the issues before the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly.
• Shadow UN media professionals and participate in hands-on activities and workshops.
• Participate in a two-day academic workshop at a university in New York.
• Undertake professional work assignments. Each participant will be required to compile a dossier of news stories or scripts.
• Attend briefings by officials of the UN Secretariat and special events.
• Visit major media organizations and relevant NGOs in New York to observe their operations.
• Economy single round trip airline ticket from your country to New York.
• A daily subsistence allowance (DSA) to cover your accommodation, meals, local transportation and other expenses. The current daily rate for New York is US$ 385.00.
• Upon completion of the Programme requirements and assignments, participants will receive a certificate of participation.
Once selected, participants will need to undertake the following:
• Obtain a Visitor Visa to the United States and acquire health insurance to cover possible medical expenses in the United States.
• Provide a reference letter from his/her current employer, granting leave of absence for the full duration of the Programme. While in New York, participants are required to file relevant UN stories with their news organizations.
• In preparation for the Programme, participants are required to research recent UN activities in their countries and familiarize themselves with the UN System through the UN website (www.un.org) and other relevant sources of information.
1. Complete Application Form outreach.un.org/raf
2. Submit three samples in any language published in the last three years of your work related to the United Nations (General politics – is not accepted). A translation into English or a summary must accompany material published in languages other than the six UN official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish).
For print journalists:
Copies of three articles or reports related to the United Nations, including full citation (dates, pages and names of the publications). Please scan and send the relevant article by email. Do not send complete newspapers or magazines.
For broadcast and on-line journalists:
Three videos, audio or Internet links (e.g. YouTube) (maximum 15 minutes each) or links to radio/TV/on-line work related to the United Nations. Please indicate your exact responsibility and role in those samples. Samples must be journalistic in nature and demonstrate your role in news gathering, writing, editing or producing.
* Applicants in managerial or editorial positions for whom it would be difficult to send work samples should include a statement of up to 150 words describing their work and information about the publication/news organization.
3. Submit a photocopy of your passport, showing your photo, nationality, day/place issued and date of expiration. Your passport must be valid for at least another six months from the end of the Programme. Birth certificates or other forms or documentation cannot be accepted.
4. Provide a reference letter from your current employer, supporting your application and, if selected, granting you leave of absence for the full duration of the Programme, including allowing time to execute all assignments and requirements.
5. Submit a photocopy of your university/college diploma in the field of journalism or communication. A translation into English must accompany diplomas issued in languages other than the six UN official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish).
Please send the completed application form and all required supporting documents attached IN ONE EMAIL to the Programme Coordinator, Mr. Zvi Muskal at muskal@un.org
The deadline for receipt of applications is Tuesday, 1 March, 2016.
Should you require further information, a list of focal points in UN Information Centres and UNDP offices in the participating countries will be available soon on the Programme website outreach.un.org/raf
All applicants will be notified of the results in April 2016.
Content Manager: segunadeoye1@gmail.com
Inquiry Manager: angel.hgeorge@gmail.com