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Deadline Approaches for East-West Center's Asia Pacific Leadership Program
The priority application deadline for the East-West Center's 2013-14 Asia Pacific Leadership Program – considered the premier leadership education program in the Asia Pacific region – is Dec 1, 2012.
From August – December 2013, up to 40 APLP Fellows from around the globe will join regional specialists and leadership educators in a dynamic learning community at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii for this graduate certificate program combining the development of regional expertise with the enhancement of individual leadership capacity. All participants receive a fee-waiver fellowship valued at approximately $15,000.
Entering its 12th year, the program has created a network of dynamic leaders in 53 countries. The program seeks outstanding individuals with proven leadership experience or high leadership potential from across the Asia Pacific region, United States and beyond. All participants have at least a bachelor’s degree, with the majority having graduate degrees as well. The age range of participants is from the mid 20s to mid 40s, with the average age being 32. Approximately 20 countries are represented in each cohort and APLP Fellows come from fields as diverse as government, business, NGOs, health sciences, media, monastic orders, and education. APLP participants become knowledgeable about current and emerging challenges facing the Asia Pacific region, including climate change, demographics, international relations, and global markets, and develop the leadership capacities needed to deal with these issues.
Each year the program features more than 50 leading experts who present areas of specialized content and provide mentorship. In the second phase of the program (January through May), fellows build on their learning by engaging in a range of flexible, customized activities. Options include participation in extended field studies in Asia or the Pacific, internships, self-designed applied leadership projects, graduate coursework at the University of Hawaii, and employment experience. A wide range of supplemental scholarships are available.
Application forms and detailed information about the program are available on the APLP website at www.EastWestCenter.org/aplp . The program can also be reached by email at: aplp@eastwestcenter.org, via Skype (AsiaPacificLeadershipProgram), or telephone at: +1 808-944-7744.
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