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Academic Vacancies at University of Ibadan, Oyo State
Vacancies now exist in 10 faculties at the University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria's Premier University, which is one of the highly recognized universities in Africa.
The faculties in which various academic staff positions are now available include:
1. Veterinary Medicine
2. Social Sciences
3. Science
4. Pharmacy
5. Institute of Education
6. Institute of African Studies
7. Education
8. Medicine
9. Arts
10. Agriculture and Forestry
1. Facutly of Veterinary Medicine
a. Department of Veterinary Medicine
i. Lecturer I, with Swine Medicine as area of specialization
- Should possess Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D degrees or almost completing the Ph.D progmramme
- Should be registered with the Veterinary Council of Nigeria
- Should have a minimum of five years practice in small and large animal, poultry, aquatic and wildlife Medicine as well as animal management
- Should be able to rotate through any of the units mentioned above whenever required
- Should have at least five publications in peer reviewed journal(s)
ii. Lecturer II, with Swine Medicine as area of specialization
- Should possess D.V.M, M.V.Sc. and Ph.D degrees or almost completing the Ph.D progmramme
- Should be registered with the Veterinary Council of Nigeria
- Should have a minimum of five years practice in small and large animal, poultry, aquatic and wildlife Medicine as well as animal management
- Should be able to rotate through any of the units mentioned above whenever required
- Should have one or two publications in peer-reviewed journal(s)
iii. Senior Lecturer, with Ruminant Medicine as area of specialization
- Should possess D.V.M, M.V.Sc. and Ph.D degrees or almost completing the Ph.D progmramme
- Should be registered with the Veterinary Council of Nigeria
- Should have a minimum of nine years practice in small and large animal, poultry, aquatic and wildlife Medicine as well as animal management
- Should be able to rotate through any of the units mentioned above whenever required
- Should have at least 10 publications in peer-reviewed journal(s)
b. Department of Veterinary Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology
i. Lecturer II, with Veterinary Physiology as area of specialization
- Should possess D.V.M. degree from a recognized university
- Should be registered with the Veterinary Council of Nigeria
- Possession of a Master degree in Physiology and previous teaching experience at the University level would be an added advantage
2. Faculty of Social Sciences
a. Department of Geography
i. Senior Lecturer
- Should possess Ph.D degree in Geography with specialization in Climatology and Geomorphology/Hydrology/Water Resources and/or closely related specializations
- Should have a minimum of six years post-Ph.D teaching and research experience at the university level
- Should have publications in peer-reviewed international journal(s)
b. Dept. of Political Science
i. Professor
- Should possess first degree, Masters and Ph.D degrees in Political Science with specialization in International Relations/Political Economy with at least 12 years post-doctoral university teaching and research experience in the areas
- Should have have excellent scholarly publications in mainstream journals in Political Economy
- Should have impressive record in postgraduate supervision, and must be able to provide administrative and academic leadership
ii. Senior Lecturer, with Public Administration as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D degree in Political Science with specialization and research interest in Comparative Politics
c. Dept. of urban and Regional Planning
i. Lecturer I, with Environmental/Health Planning as area of specialization
ii. Lecturer II, with Urban Design, Recreation Planning, Computer Aided Design as area of specialization
Requirements for both positions:
- Should possess MURP/M.Sc degree in Urban and Regional Planning and be registered or registerable with the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP) and the Town Planners Registration Council (TOPREC)
- Should Possess Ph.D degree in urban and Regional Planning with minimum of 3 years teaching experience at university level.
3. Faculty of Science
a. Dept. of Botany and Microbiology
i. Lecturer I and II, with Algology as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D degree in Algology
ii. Lecturer I and II
- Should possess Ph.D in Plant or Crop Physiology
iii. Lecturer I and II
- Should possess Ph.D in Cell Physiology or Molecular Biology of plants
iv. Senior Lecturer, with Genetics and Microbial Biotechnology as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D with specialization in Microbial Genetics or Molecular Virology with at least 5 years research experience.
v. Lecturer I and II, with Food and Industrial Microbiology as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in Microbiology with specialization in Yeast Physiology or Brewing Microbiology
vi. Lecturer I and II, with Public Health Microbiology as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in Microbiology or related field with specialization in Pulic Health or Environmental Health Microbiology including Water and Sewage Treatment and/or Environmental Pollution Abatement
b. Dept. of Chemistry
i. Lecturer I, with Analytical/Environmental, Organic, Inorganic, Physical and Industrial Chemistry as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in the relevant field of Chemistry from a reputable university, with at least 3 years of post-qualification experience in research and teaching at the university level. Should also possess evidence of scholarly scientific publications in reputable international and national journals.
ii. Lecturer II, with Analytical/Environmental, Organic, Inorganic, Physical and Industrial Chemistry as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in the relevant field of Chemistry from a reputable university. Previous teaching experience at the university level and evidence of scholarly publications an added advantage
iii. Senior Lectuer, with Analytical/Environmental, Organic, Inorganic, Physical and Industrial Chemistry as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in the relevant field of Chemistry from a reputable university, with at least 6 years of post-qualification experience in research and teaching at the university level. Should also possess evidence of scholarly scientific publications in reputable international and national journals.
c. Dept. of Statistics
i. Professor, with Sample Survey as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in Statistics with at least 15 years of post-doctoral teaching and research experience at the university level.
4. Faculty of Pharmacy
a. Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Should possess Bachelor of Pharmacy degree and Master of Science in pharmaceutical Chemistry from a univeristy recognized by the Senate of the University of Ibadan. Evidence of current registration for a Ph.D and/or scholarly publications in peer-reviewed journals an added advantage.
5. Institute of Education
i. Research Fellow II
- Should possess B.Ed or Bachelor of Arts Education in Language Arts (Yoruba) with at least a Second Class Upper Division, M.Ed and Ph.D in Educational Evaluation with thesis centred mainly on an aspect of Yoruba language.
6. Institute of African Studies
i. Junior Research Fellow, with Ethnomedicine as area of specialization
- Should possess Master's degree in Ethnomedicine/Economic Botany from a recognized university with an evidence of current registration for Ph.D in Belief Systems.
- Should have a first degree in Botany and practical experience in Phytomedicine will be an added advantage, and applicant shouldbe able to manage a Bio-resource Laboratory in the Centre for Traditional Medicine.
ii. Senior Research Fellow/Research Fellow I, with International Conflict Management as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in Peace and Conflict Studies or related discipline, and must have published substantially on issues relating to the management of industrial conflicts.
iii. Senior Research Fellow/Research Fellow I, with Gender and Peace Building as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in Peace and Conflict Studies or related discipline. and must have published subtstantially on issues relating to Gender and Peace Building most especially in Africa.
7. Faculty of Education
a. Dept. of Special Education
i. Lecturer I and II, with Audiology/Speech Pathology as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in field of Audiology and Speech Pathology with at least three years post doctoral working experience in the field. For Lecturer I, applicant must show evidence of scholarly publications in reputable journals within and outside Nigeria
ii. Lecturer II, with Learning Disabilities as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in field of Mental Retardation. Two-year post-doctoral experience an added advantage.
b. Dept. of Educational Management
i. Senior Lecturer/Lecturer I
- Should possess Ph.D in Educational Management with evidence of teaching Educational Statistics and Research Methods at the university level. Applicants must also possess a minimum of 3 to 5 years post-qualification experience at university level. Evidence of publication in reputable journals would also be required.
8. College of Medicine
a. Dept. of Psychiatry
i. Senior Lecturer
- Should possess a good first degree in Medicine and Surgery from a recognized university and registrable with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria. CMBBS, MB, Bchir, or equivalent and a Postgraduate qualification in Psychiatry (FMCPsych. FWACP, or equivalent) is essential. Applicants must have some years of teaching experience and show evidence of scholarship as attested to by publications in academic journals. Applicants are to indicate one of the following sub-specialties as area of interest: Forensic Psychiatry or Addiction Psychiatry.
ii. Junior Research Fellow (Medical Social Work)
- Should possess at least a masters degree in Social Work and several years of post-qualification experience in Social Work. The successful candidate would be expected to provide teaching and research services in Clinical Medical Social Work in the department. The candidate must have Social Work experience in a mental health care setting and show evidence of interest in academic pursuit as attested to by academic publications and/or possession of added academic qualifications.
iii. Junior Research Fellow (Medical Social Work)
- Should possess at least a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology and several years of post-qualification experience in Clinical Psychology. Successful candidate would be expected to provide teaching and reseach services in Clinical Psychology in the department. Should also show evidence of interest in academic pursuit as attested by academic publications and/or possession of added academic qualifications.
b. Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
i. Lecturer I
- Should possess first degree in Dentistry from a recognized university and registrable with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (BDS or its equivalent). A post-graduate qualification in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery from the West African College of Surgeons (FWACS) or from the National Postgraduate Medical College (FMCDS) or its equivalent. Applicant must show a flair for research as attested by publications in scientific journals or possession of higher academic degrees.
9. Faculty of Arts
a. Dept. of Theatre Arts
i. Arts Fellow II
- Should possess a good first degree in Theatre Arts and M.A. Theatre Arts/African Studies from a recognized university with at least 5 years demonstrable practical experience in Drama/Theatre. Media teaching experience at Part I full time level at the university level an added advantage.
ii. Junior Arts Fellow
- Should possess a good first degree (not lower than a Second Class Upper) in Theatre Arts and the M.A. in Theatre Arts from a recognized university with at least two years demonstrable experience in Dance in particular and Performance in general.
10. Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry
a. Dept. of Crop Protection and Environmental Biology
i. Lecturer II, with Entomology as area of specialization
- Should possess a good degree in Agriculture and Ph.D in Entomology. Specialization in either Ecology or Biology of insects or insect pests of tropical crops is required. Publication(s) in reputable journals will be an added advantage.
ii. Lecturer II, with Toxicology as area of specialization
- Should possess Ph.D in Toxicology or Environmental Toxicology or Analytical Chemistry or Biochemistry as related to toxicology. Evidence of teaching experience in a recognized university or proof of scholarly publications in reputable journals would be an added advantage.
Application with 20 copies of CV stating - Date of Birth, Marital Status, State, LGA, Mobile phone number, email address, full academic qualifications, work and research experience, names and addresses of 3 referees and 2 photostat copies of relevant credentials, should be sent to:
Deputy Registrar (Establishments),
University of Ibadan,
Oyo State.
Applicants should also request their referees to send reports on them, under confidential cover, directly to the deputry registrar.
Post being applied for and relevant department should be written on left hand side of the envelope.
Deadline: December 14, 2010.
For more information: https://www.ui.edu.ng/jobs
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Content Manager: segunadeoye1@gmail.com
Inquiry Manager: angel.hgeorge@gmail.com